18 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Four Characteristics Pertain To The Practices Of The Prophets

Hadith of the Day
Abu Ayyub Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Four characteristics pertain to the practices of the Prophets (Messengers): Modesty, use of perfume, use of Siwak, and marriage. (Tirmidhi: 1080)
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17 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - I Would Have Ordered Them To Siwak At Every Salat

Hadith of the Day
Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Were it not (for the fear) of overburdening my Ummah, I would have ordered them to (brush their teeth with) Siwak at every Salat. (Muslim: 589)
Note: Siwak or Miswak is a natural tooth brush prepared from the roots or branches of various trees and bushes. The most common and beneficial is that of the root of the Salvadora Persica, a wild desert plant known in Arabic as Arak, and in Urdu as Peelu.

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Allah Invites To The Abode Of Peace - (The Message Of Qur'an - 1)

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16 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - For A Person Who Performs Wudu (While Already) In A State Of Purity

Hadith of the Day
lbne-Umar Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: For a person who performs Wudu (while already) in a state of purity, for him ten virtues are written. (Abu Dawud: 62)
Note: Islamic scholars have written that condition for making fresh Wudu, while already in a state of Wudu, is that one has performed any form of worship with the previous Wudu. (Badhl-ul-Majhud)

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15 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Sins Will Come Out

Hadith of the Day
'Uthman Ibne-'Affan Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Anyone who performs Wudu, and performs Wudu excellently (meaning thereby to carefully observe all the etiquettes), his sins will come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails. (Muslim: 578)
Note: The opinion of the majority of the scholars is that minor sins, are forgiven by Allah through Wudu, Salat and other forms of worship. The major sins, are forgiven by Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) and Taubah (turning towards Allah with repentance). However, Allah by His bountiful Grace, may even forgive the major sins by virtue of above deeds. (Nawawi)

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14 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Limbs and faces shining from traces of Wudu

Hadith of the Day
Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates: I heard Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam saying: My Ummah will be called on the Day of Resurrection with their limbs and faces shining from traces of Wudu. So whoever amongst you can increase the area of his radiance should do so (i.e. by performing Wudu regularly). (Bukhari: 136) 
Note: Meaning that Wudu should be performed thoroughly with such care that no part of the skin should remain dry. (Mazahir Haque)

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13 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - The jewellery of a Mu'min (on the Day of Resurrection)

Hadith of the Day
Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates: I heard my loving friend, Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam saying: The jewellery of a Mu'min (on the Day of Resurrection) will cover to the places where the water of ablution reaches. (Muslim: 586)
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12 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Qur'an Is An Evidence For You, Or Against You

Hadith of the Day
Abu Malik Al- Ash'ari Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Tuhur (purity) is half of Iman, and Alhamdulillah fills the scale of deeds with virtues, and Subhanallah and Alhamdulillah fill the space between the skies and the earth with reward, and Salat is Nur (a light) and Sadaqah is a proof of faith, and patience is brightness, and the Qur'an is an evidence for you, or against you. (Muslim: 534)
1. The meaning of Tuhur being half of Iman, may refer to the fact that half of Iman is the inner purification from Kufr, Shirk and all other negative traits opposed to Iman. Outward purity, being a condition for the acceptance of Salat, is half of Salat.
2. Salat is a Nur; one meaning of this is, as light reverses darkness, similarly Salat stops from evil and being unfair. Another meaning is that the face of the one who offers Salat will be radiant on the Day of Judgment, as well as illuminated in this world. A third meaning is that Salat will be a light in the darkness of the grave and on the Day of Judgment.
3. Man by nature loves wealth, therefore his spending in charity for the sake of Allah, stands as a sign and evidence of his true belief.
4. Whoever is patient in fulfilling the orders of Allah, and abstaining from the prohibitions of Allah, and facing in hardships becomes enlightened with the glow of Hidayah (guidance).
5. The Qur'an shall be a means of salvation for the one who reads and acts upon it; otherwise it would be an evidence against those who neither learn it or act upon it. May Allah save and guide us. (Nawawi, Mirqat-ul-Mafatih)

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11 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - These two Rak'at are more beloved to me than the whole world

Hadith of the Day
'A'ishah Radiyallahu 'anha narrates that Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said about the two Rak'at (Sunnah) before the (obligatory) Fajr Salat: These two Rak'at are more beloved to me than the whole world. (Muslim: 1689)
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October - 10

Hadith of the Day
'A'ishah Radiyallahu 'anha narrates that of all non obligatory Salat, Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam was most particular in offering the two Rak'at Sunnah before Fajr. (Muslim: 1686)
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09 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Please Teach Me Salat

Hadith of the Day
Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam entered the masjid, and a man came in the masjid and offered Salat; then he approached Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam and greeted him with Salam. Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam answered his Salam and said: Go back offer your Salat again, as you have not offered Salat. He went back and offered Salat in the same manner as he had offered it earlier, and returned and greeted Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. He said: Go back and offer your Salat again, as you have not offered Salat. This occurred three times. Then the man said: By Him who has sent you with the Truth, I cannot pray Salat better than this. So, please teach me Salat. Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam replied: When you stand for Salat, say Allahu Akbar, then recite from the Qur'an what you know, and then go into Ruku' and complete it calmly. Then rise from Ruku' until you stand straight. Then you go into Sajdah till you complete it calmly. Then raise your head and sit till you are at ease and do the same in the whole of the Salat. (Bukhari: 757)
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08 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - The people who lift their eyes towards the sky in Salat

Hadith of the Day
Jabir Ibne-Samurah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrated that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: The people who lift their eyes towards the sky in Salat should refrain from it, otherwise they may loose their eyesight. (Muslim: 966)
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07 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Looking Around In Salat

Hadith of the Day
'A'ishah Radiyallahu 'anha narrates: I asked Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam about looking around in Salat? He said: It is the carrying away of a person from his Salat by Shaitan. (Tirmidhi: 590)
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06 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Mercy of Allah Is Directed Towards Him

Hadith of the Day
Abu Dhar Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: When anyone of you stands in Salat, he should not level the pebbles (with his hand), as the Mercy of Allah is directed towards him. (Tirmidhi: 379)
Note: In the early era of Islam, nothing was spread on the ground of the masjid and Salat was performed upon pebbles. Therefore, performing Sajdah would be uncomfortable due to the pebbles. Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam had prohibited unnecessarily smoothening the place of Sajdah, since this is the time when the Mercy of Allah is directed towards the person in Salat. All such unnecessary actions during Salat may become a means of depriving one of Allah's Mercy.

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The Message of Qur’an (Final Part - 277)

Warning for the people who are neglectful of their salah: Surah Ma'oon Ayat No: 4 To 6 Allah Almighty says warning those who are neglectful in prayer: So, Woe to those performers of Salah, who are neglectful of their Salah, who (do good only to) show off.

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05 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - He Who Agrees To The Return Of Something Sold To A Muslim

Hadith of the Day
Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: He who agrees to the return of something sold to a Muslim, Allah forgives his faults. (Abu Dawud)
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 276)

Warning for the people who backbite and deride: Surah Humazah Ayat No: 1 Allah Almighty says: Woe to every backbiter, (and) derider.

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04 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - Allah continues to turn attentively towards His slave

Hadith of the Day
Abu Dhar Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Allah continues to turn attentively towards His slave while he is engaged in Salat, as long as he does not turn his attention. When he turns his attention away, Allah turns away from him. (Nasai: 1196)
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03 OCT (Hadith Of The Day) - A person completes his Salat

Hadith of the Day
'Ammar Ibne-Yasir Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates: I heard Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam saying: Indeed a person completes his Salat and only one-tenth of the maximum reward, is written for him. Likewise for some one-ninth, one-eighth, one-seventh, one-sixth, one-fifth, one-fourth, one-third or half of it is written. (Abu Dawud: 796)
Note: The Hadith explains that the more the outward appearance and the inner devotion in Salat corresponds to Sunnah, the greater is the reward. (Badhl-ul-Majhud)

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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 275)

True believers doing good deeds are the successful one's: Surah Asr Ayat No: 1 To 3 Allah Almighty says emphasizing: (I swear) by the Time, man is in a state of loss indeed (due to waste his life), except those who believed and did righteous deeds, and exhorted each other to follow truth, and exhorted each other to observe patience.

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