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31 MARCH (HOTD) - Three Persons Will Be Upon Mounds Of Musk On The Day Of Resurrection
March - 31 (Quran)
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 90)
Remember Allah day and night: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 205 Allah Almighty says: Remember your Lord in your heart with humility and awe, and without speaking loudly, in mornings and evenings, and do not be among the heedless.
30 MARCH (HOTD) - Command Your Children When They Are Seven Years Old, To Perform Salat
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 89)
Listen to the Qur'an with attention and silence: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 204 Allah Almighty says: When the Qur'an is recited, listen to it and be silent, so that you may be blessed.
29 MARCH (HOTD) - Allah Has Granted You An Additional Salat
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March - 29 (Quran)
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 88)
All humans have testified of Allah as the only God: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 172 Allah Almighty says: O Messenger! Recall the people the time) when your Lord brought forth their progeny from the loins of the children of Adam, and made them testify about themselves (by asking them,) "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Of course, You are. We testify." (We did so) lest you should say on the Day of Judgment, "We were unaware of this," (We were unaware of the promise we made.
28 MARCH (HOTD) - O People Of The Qur'an! Offer Witr Salat
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 87)
Following Islam is the only way to success: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 157 It is denoted: (The characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) were explained in Torah and the Injeel and there is a glad tiding that the final Messenger will be Ummi (i.e. he will not learn from any teacher in the world), he will be blessed the knowledge by revelation. He will enjoin what is fair and forbids what is unfair, and makes lawful for them good things, and makes unlawful for them impure things, and relieves them of the burden of strict injunctions and restrictions. Therefore, we should accept him the true and final Messenger and follow the shariah he brought. It is only the thing that can lead us to success.
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 86)
Allah's mercy for the God fearing and people who pay Zakaah: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 156 Allah Almighty says: He (Allah) said, As for My punishment, I afflict with it whom I will. And My mercy extends to everything. So, I shall write it for those who guard themselves against evil, and pay Zakah, and those who do believe in Our verses.
26 MARCH (HOTD) - When You Complete The Maghrib Salat, Then Recite Seven Times This Du'a
Note: Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam by giving this advice secretly wanted to stress its importance. |
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 85)
Hold on to the truth even if you have no material things: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 110 To 121 There is a glad tiding: Allah always helps the true. Its follower always congests though he is alone. The Pharaoh said Musa (Alaihissalam) sorcerer and bring to him every expert sorcerer of his country (to face him). They bewitched the eyes of the people by which their ropes begin to seem as they are crawling snakes. Then Musa (Alaihissalam) threw his staff with by Allah's leave. Then of a sudden, it swallowed their all ropes. Thus, the truth prevailed and the sorcerers fell in prostration and accepted faith. So, we should always follow the true path.
25 MARCH (HOTD) - He Who Offers The Salat Of Two Cool Times, Enters Paradise
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March - 25 (Quran)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says (Translation): Indeed! Those who feared (Allah) will be in a place secure. Amid gardens and springs. Attired in silk and silk embroidery, facing one another. And so it will be. And We shall wed them to fair maidens with wide lovely eyes. They call therein for every variety of fruit, in safety. They taste not death therein, save the first death. And He has saved them from the doom of Hell. A bounty from your Sustainer. That is the supreme triumph. (Ad-Dukhan 44: 51-57) |
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 84)
Do not cheat in weight and measure: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 85 Allah Almighty says: Give the measureand weight in full, and do not make people short of their things.
24 MARCH (HOTD) - One Who Leaves His House Having Wudu To Offer Obligatory Salat
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March - 24 (Quran)
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 83)
Supplicate to Allah in fear and hope: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 56 Allah Almighty says: Do not make mischief on the earth after it has been set in order. Supplicate Him in fear and hope. Surely, the mercy of Allah is close to those who are good in their deeds.
23 MARCH (HOTD) - Good Tidings For Those Who Frequent The Masjids
March - 23 (Quran)
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 82)
Do not be extravagant in food and drink: Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 31 Allah Almighty says: Eat and drink and do not be extravagant. Surely, He does not like the extravagant.
22 MARCH (HOTD) - Gets The Reward Of Salat, So As Long As He Keeps On Waiting For Salat
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March - 22 (Quran)
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 81)
Be careful of satan's deception: Be careful of satan's deception : Surah Aaraaf Ayat No: 16 To 18 It is denoted: One should be careful of Satan's deceiving. When Satan did not prostrate Adam ('Alaihissalam) following Allah's command, he said when Allah gave him respite until the Day of Judgement: "I will try my best to lead them astray. By dint of that most of them will not be grateful". Allah made him get out condemning and rejecting and said "I will fill Hell with all of you and your followers together. Therefore, we should be careful of Satan and his tricks and perform the deeds that leads to Paradise".
21 MARCH (HOTD) - O Mu'adh! I Advise You Never To Forget Saying These Words After Every Salat
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