July - 31 (Quran)

Hadith: 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam saying: He who has two habits will be reckoned by Allah as amongst the grateful and the patient. And if he does not possess these two habits, he will not be reckoned by Allah as amongst the grateful and patient; He who sees his superior in Islam and follows him, and sees one inferior in worldly things and then expresses his thanks to Allah, that out of His Mercy and Grace Allah has kept him in a better state. Then Allah reckons him amongst the grateful and patient. And he who looks to his inferiors concerning religion, and looks to one superior in worldly riches, and expresses sorrow for getting less, then Allah will not record him as amongst the grateful and patient. (Tirmidi: 2512)

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