June - 29 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said to Musa 'Alaihis Salam (Translation): Go to Pharaoh! Verily, he has transgressed (the bounds). (Musa) said: (O) my Rabb! Open up my breast (give me forbearance to withstand the difficulties of this responsibility). And ease my task (tabligh-propagation of Deen) for me. And untie the knot in my tongue, (remove my stammering). So that they may fully understand my speech. And appoint for me one of my kinsfolk, one who will help to bear my burden. Harun, my brother. Strengthen my waist through him. And let him share my task (of Tabligh). So that together we might glorify You abundantly. And remember You abundantly (Ta Ha 20: 24-34)

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