The Message of Qur’an (Part - 191)

The occurrence of day and night is indeed a blessing from Allah:: Surah Qasas Ayat No: 71 To 73 Allah Almighty says: (O Messenger!) Say, "Tell me, if Allah were to impose the night over you, continuing forever up to the Day of Judgment, which god, other than Allah, would bring to you light? Then, do you not listen?" Say, "Tell me, if Allah were to impose the day over you, continuing forever up to the Day of Judgment, which god, other than Allah, would bring to you night in which you may have rest? Then, do you not see?" And it is out of His mercy that He has made day and night for you, so that you may have rest in it, and so that you may search for His grace, and so that you may be grateful.

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