The Message of Qur’an (Part - 235)

Qualitie's of a true believer: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 36 To 39 Allah Almighty says: So, whatever thing has been given to you is an enjoyment of the worldly life. And that which is with Allah is much better, and much more durable for those who believe and place their trust in Allah, and (for) those who abstain from the major sins and from shameful acts; and (for those who) when they get angry, they forgive, and those who have responded to their Lord (in submission to Him), and have established Salah, and whose affair's are (settled) with mutual consultation between them, and who spend (in good deed's) out of what We have given to them, and those who, when they are subjected to aggression, defend themselve's.

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