The Message of Qur’an (Part - 243)

There are two angels with every human to record all the good and bad deeds: Surah Qaaf Ayat No: 16 To 21 Allah Almighty says: Indeed, We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein, when the two receiving angels receive (every human act to record it), seated (one) on the right and (one) on the left. Not a single word is uttered by one but there is a watcher near him, ready (to record). The daze of death has (to) come with truth. (O mankind) that is what you tried to escape. And the Horn will be blown. That will be the day of (which) threat (was given). And everybody will come (that Day), along with one (angel) to drive (him to the field of reckoning) and one (angel) to testify (about his deeds).

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