The Message of Qur’an (Part - 246)

Water, fire and the crops are a great blessing from Allah: Surah Waqia'h Ayat No: 63 To 73 Allah Almighty says: Well, tell Me about that (seed) which you sow: Is it you who grow it, or are We the One who grows? If We so will, We can certainly make it crumbled, and you will remain wondering, (and saying,) "We are laden with debt, rather we are totally deprived." Again, tell Me about the water you drink: Is it you who have brought it down from the clouds, or are We the One who sends (it) down? If We so will, We can make it bitter in taste. So why do you not offer gratitude? Now tell Me about the fire you kindle: Is it you who have originated its tree, or are We the Originator? We have made it a reminder (of Our infinite power, and of the fire of Hell) and a benefit for travelers in deserts.

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