The Message of Qur’an (Part - 266)

The luxuries of Paradise: Surah Dahr Ayat No: 12 To 22 Allah Almighty says: And will give them, in return for their patience, Paradise and (garments of) silk, wherein they will be reclining on couches, feeling neither heat of the sun nor intense cold. And shades of gardens will be hanging low on them, and their fruits will be placed totally under their command. Circulated among them will be vessels of silver, and cups that will be (as transparent as) crystals, -crystals (as shining as if made) of silver, measured by those (who filled them) with due measure. And they will be served with goblet of a drink blended with ginger, (acquired from) a spring therein called Salsabil. And circling around them will be serving boys, blessed with eternal youth; when you would see them, you would take them as scattered pearls. When you will look around there, you will see the Bliss and a magnificent realm. Upon them will be garments of green sundus (a kind of fine silk), and of istabraq (a kind of thick silk), and they will be adorned by bracelets of silver. Their Lord will give them a pure beverage to drink: "This is a reward for you, and your effort (you have done in the world) has been appreciated."

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