July - 31 (Quran)

Hadith: 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam saying: He who has two habits will be reckoned by Allah as amongst the grateful and the patient. And if he does not possess these two habits, he will not be reckoned by Allah as amongst the grateful and patient; He who sees his superior in Islam and follows him, and sees one inferior in worldly things and then expresses his thanks to Allah, that out of His Mercy and Grace Allah has kept him in a better state. Then Allah reckons him amongst the grateful and patient. And he who looks to his inferiors concerning religion, and looks to one superior in worldly riches, and expresses sorrow for getting less, then Allah will not record him as amongst the grateful and patient. (Tirmidi: 2512)

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31 JULY (Hadith Of The Day) - Heart Rending Sermon

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: 'Irbad ibn Sariyah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that one day Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam after the morning Salat, gave us a profound heart rending sermon, causing the eyes to flow and the hearts to tremble. So a man said: Indeed this is a sermon of one bidding farewell! So what do you enjoin upon us, O Rasulallah? He replied: I enjoin you with Allah's Taqwa (fear and obedience) and to hear and obey those in authority, even if he be an Abyssinian slave! For verily whoever lives among you, shall see many disagreements. And I warn you to beware of innovations in Deen, for verily they are misguidance. So whoever among you sees those times, he must adhere steadfasdy to my Sunnah, and the Sunnah of my rightly guided Khulafa (successors). (Tirmidhi: 2676)
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 211)

The part's of the body will be witnesses on the day of judgement: Surah Fatir Ayat No: 18 Allah Almighty says: (On the Day of Judgement), No bearer will bear the burden of any other person. If a person carrying a heavy load calls (someone) to (share) his load, nothing from it shall be carried (by the latter), even though he be a near of kin. (O Messenger!) You can warn only those who fear their Lord, while He is unseen, and establish Salah. Whoever gets purified (by believing) gets purified for his own benefit. And to Allah is the final return.

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July - 30 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said to His Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam (Translation): And bear patiently with what they say, and leave their company with grace and dignity. (Al-Muzzammil 73: 10)
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 210)

Obeying Allah's order's is the straight path: Surah Yaseen Ayat No: 60,61 Allah Almighty says: Did I not direct you, O children of Adam, that you must not worship the Satan, (because) he is an open enemy for you, and that you must worship Me, (because) this is the straight path?

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30 JULY (Hadith Of The Day) - He Who revives my Sunnah, has indeed loved Me

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: Anas ibn Malik Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said to me: Sonny! If you can keep your heart, morning and evening, devoid of deceit and ill-will towards anyone, then do so. Then he said to me: Sonny! And this is my Sunnah, and he, who revives my Sunnah, has indeed loved me; and he who loves me will be with me in Paradise. (Tirmidhi: 2678)
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July - 29

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: Jabir ibn 'Abdullah Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrated that he accompanied Rasulullah ﷺ in an expedition towards Najd; and when Rasulullah ﷺ was returning from this expedition, he was with him. At noon, they reached a valley, full of thorny trees. Rasulullah ﷺ dismounted and the people dispersed amongst the trees, seeking shade. Rasulullah ﷺ rested under a tree and hung his sword on it. We slept for a while when Rasulullah ﷺ suddenly called us, and there was a Beduin disbeliever with him. He said: This (Beduin) drew my sword at me while I was asleep: So I woke up, while the naked sword was in his hand and he said to me: Who can save you from me? I said to him three times: Allah! Rasulullah ﷺ did not punish him and sat down. (Bukhari: 2910)
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July - 29 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: Can he, then, who is a true believer, be compared to him who is an evildoer? Surely they are not alike. (As-Sajdah 32: 18)

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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 209)

No bearer will bear the burden of other's sin's on the day of judgement: Surah Fatir Ayat No: 18 Allah Almighty says: (On the Day of Judgement), No bearer will bear the burden of any other person. If a person carrying a heavy load calls (someone) to (share) his load, nothing from it shall be carried (by the latter), even though he be a near of kin. (O Messenger!) You can warn only those who fear their Lord, while He is unseen, and establish Salah. Whoever gets purified (by believing) gets purified for his own benefit. And to Allah is the final return.

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28 JULY (Hadith Of The Day) - Whoever guides others to do good

Abu Mas'ud Badri Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said: Whoever guides others to do good, his reward is like the one who does it. (Abu Dawud: 5129)
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July - 28 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: And whenever they get angry, they readily forgive. (Ash-Shura 42: 37)

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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 208)

Allah is free of all need's, All living being's are dependent on him: Surah Fatir Ayat No: 15 To 17 Allah Almighty says: O men, you are the ones who need Allah, and Allah is Free-of-All-Needs, the Ever-Praised. If He so wills, He can do away with you and bring a new creation. For Allah, that is not something difficult.

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July - 27 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says (Translation): It is unbecoming of a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should claim freedom of choice in their affairs. And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has most certainly gone astray. (Al-Ahzab 33: 36)

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27 JULY (Hadith Of The Day)

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: Anas Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that none was dearer to the Sahabah than Rasulullah ﷺ , yet when they saw him, they did not stand up, knowing his dislike for this. (Tirmidhi: 2754)
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 207)

Satan is human's biggest enemy: Surah Fatir Ayat No: 5, 6 Allah Almighty says: O mankind, Allah's promise is definitely true, therefore, the worldly life must not deceive you, nor should you be deceived about Allah by the big deceiver (Satan). Surely Shaitan (Satan) is an enemy for you. So, take him as an enemy. He only invites his group (to falsehood) so that they become inmates of the blazing fire.

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July - 26 (Quran)

(When the Jews and Christians said as our Qiblah and that of the Muslims is the same, how can we be punished? Answering these thoughts) Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said (Translation): It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East or towards the West but the righteousness is this that they believe in Allah and the Last Day, and in the angels, and the Books, and the Prophets; and given their wealth, for love of Him to relatives, the orphans, the needy and the traveller and to those who ask, and to set slaves free and establish Salat and give Zakat. And those who fulfill their oaths (treaty) when they make one, and those who are patient in extreme poverty and illness, and at the time of stress during battle. Such are the truthful and such are the pious. (Al-Baqarah 2: 177)

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26 JULY (Hadith Of The Day) - Allah's hand is on Jama'at

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: 'Arfajah ibn Shuraih Al-Ashja'i Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said: Indeed, Allah's hand is on Jama'at. Indeed Shaitan is with the one who has separated himself from the Jama'at and provokes him. (Nasa'i: 4025)
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 206)

True beleivers who do good deeds will be given beautiful houses in Paradise: Surah Saba Ayat No: 36, 37 Allah Almighty says: Say, "In fact, my Lord extends provision to whom He wills, and straightens (it for whom He wills), but most of the people do not know". Your riches or your children are not the things that bring you near Us closely; however, the one who believes and acts righteously (is close to Us). Therefore, such people will have the double reward for what they did, and they will be at peace in the upper chambers (of Paradise).

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25 JULY (Hadith Of The Day) - Man's greed for wealth

Malik Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said: No two hungry wolves let loose amongst sheep will cause more loss than a man's greed for wealth and self-esteem to his religion. (Tirmidhi: 2376)
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July - 25 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says (Translation): We sent no messenger except that he be obeyed by Allah's will. (An-Nisa 4: 64)

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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 205)

Speaking the truth will lead to good deed's and sin's being forgiven: Surah Ahzab Ayat No: 69 To 71 Allah Almighty says: O you who believe, be not like those who annoyed Musa, then Allah cleared him of what they alleged (to him); and he was honourable in the sight of Allah. O you who believe, fear Allah, and speak in straightforward words. (If you do so,) Allah will correct your deeds for your benefit, and forgive your sins for you. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger achieves a great success.

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July - 24 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says (Translation): Wealth and children are adornments of worldly life; but good deeds, the fruit of which endures for ever are of far greater merit with your Rabb and a far better source of hope. (Al-Kahf 18: 46)

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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 204)

Remember Allah day and night: Surah Ahzab Ayat No: 41 To 44 Allah Almighty says: O you who believe, remember Allah abundantly, and proclaim His purity at morn and eve. He is such that He and His angels send blessings to you, so that He brings you out from all sorts of darkness into Light (of knowledge); and He is Very-Merciful to the believers. Their greeting, on the Day when they will meet Him (in Paradise), will be, "Salam". And He has prepared for them a noble reward.

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July - 24

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates that Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Allah the Compassionate bestows mercy upon the merciful people. So, have mercy upon the inhabitants of the earth, the One in the Heaven will be merciful to you. (Abu Dawud: 4941)
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July - 23 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says (Translation): Those who (the believers), if We give them Power in the land, establish Salat and pay the Zakat, and enjoin righteousness and forbid evil. And with Allah rests the final out come of (all) events. (Al-Hajj 22: 41)

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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 203)

Disobeying Allah and his prophet is openly misleading: Surah Ahzab Ayat No: 36 Allah Almighty says: It is not open for a believing man or a believing woman, once Allah and His messenger have decided a thing, that they should have a choice about their matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and His messenger, he indeed gets off the track, falling into an open error.

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July - 23

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: A believer is a believer's mirror; and a believer is a believer's brother, who guards him against loss and protects him in all aspects in his absence. (Abu Dawud: 4918)
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July - 22 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said to His Prophet ﷺ (Translation): Say: The Holy Spirit (Jibrail) has revealed it from Your Sustainer with truth, that it may give firmness to those who believe, and as guidance and good tidings for those who have submitted (to Allah). (An-Nahl 16:102)

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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 202)

Women should not leave the house without a valid reason: Surah Ahzab Ayat No: 33 Allah Almighty says: (O women!) Remain in your homes, and do not display (your) beauty (for non-Mahrams) as it used to be displayed in the days of earlier ignorance (before the prophethood of the Prophet (saws)) and establish Salah, and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His messenger.

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July - 22

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: Sahl ibne-Sa'd Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: If the world was worth a mosquito's wing to Allah, He would not have given the disbeliever even a sip of water. (Tirmidhi: 2320)
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July - 21 (Quran)

Allah Says in The Qur'an (Translation): Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, and establish Salat and give Zakat, their reward is with their Rabb (Sustainer & Cherisher), and neither fear shall come upon them, nor will they grieve. (Al-Baqarah 2: 277)
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July - 21

Hadith of the Day
Hadith: Ibn 'Abbas Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam and his family passed many nights consecutively in hunger. His family did not find anything to eat at night, and generally their bread was made from barley. (Tirmidhi: 2360)
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