The fear of Allah is the sign of respect and not your family: Surah Hujurat Ayat No: 13 Allah Almighty says: O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into races and tribes, so that you may identify one another. Surely the noblest of you, in Allah's sight, is the one who is most pious of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.
31 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Allah Writes A Good Deed For Him
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 241)
Abstain from suspicion's on other's: Surah Hujurat Ayat No: 12 Allah Almighty says: O you who believe, abstain from many of the suspicions. Some suspicions are sins. And do not be curious (to find out faults of others), and do not backbite one another. Does one of you like that he eats the flesh of his dead brother? You would abhor it. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is Most-Relenting, Very-Merciful.
30 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Past Sins Are Forgiven
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 240)
Do not scoff at other people nor call them with bad nicknames: Surah Hujurat Ayat No: 11 Allah Almighty says: O you who believe, no men should ever scoff at other men. May be, the latter (who are being scoffed) are better than the former (who are scoffing). Nor should women (ever scoff) at other women. May be, the latter women (who are being scoffed) are better than the former ones (who are scoffing). And do not find fault with one another, nor call one another with bad nicknames. Bad is the name of sinfulness after embracing Faith. If anyone does not repent, then such people are the wrongdoers.
29 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Should I not then be a grateful slave?
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 239)
Reconciliate between two muslim groups upon conflict: Surah Hujurat Ayat No: 9, 10 Allah Almighty says: If two groups of the believers fight each other, seek reconciliation between them. And if one of them commits aggression against the other, fight the one that commits aggression until it comes back to Allah's command. So, if it comes back, seek reconciliation between them with fairness, and maintain justice. Surely Allah loves those who maintain justice. All believers are but brothers, therefore seek reconciliation between your two brothers, and fear Allah, so that you may be blessed with mercy.
August - 28
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 238)
Good behaviour with parent's washes away the sin's: Surah Ahqaf Ayat No: 15, 16 Allah Almighty says: And We have enjoined upon man to do good to his parents. His mother carried him (in his womb) with difficulty and delivered him with difficulty. And his carrying and his weaning is (in) thirty months, until when he attains his maturity and reaches forty years, he says, "My Lord, grant me that I offer gratitude for the favour You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I do righteous deeds that You like. And set righteousness, for my sake, in my progeny. Of course, I repent to you, and truly I am one of those who submit to You." Such are the people from whom We accept the best of what they did, and overlook their evil deeds, (so as they will be) among the people of Paradise according to the true promise that was made to them.
August - 27
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 237)
Only Allah can provide you with children: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 49, 50 Allah Almighty says: To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He create's what He will's. He grant's females to whom He wills, and grants males to whom He wills. Or He combines for them couples, both males and females, and makes whom He wills barren. Surely, He is All-Knowing, Very-Powerful.
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 236)
Painful punishment for the unjust oppressor's: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 41 To 43 Allah Almighty says: The one who defends himself after having been wronged, there is no blame on such people. Blame, in fact, is upon those who wrong people and make mischief on earth unjustly. For such people, there is a painful punishment. And if one observe's patience and forgive's, it is, of course, one of the courageous conduct's.
25 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - A morning or an evening spent in the Path of Allah
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 235)
Qualitie's of a true believer: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 36 To 39 Allah Almighty says: So, whatever thing has been given to you is an enjoyment of the worldly life. And that which is with Allah is much better, and much more durable for those who believe and place their trust in Allah, and (for) those who abstain from the major sins and from shameful acts; and (for those who) when they get angry, they forgive, and those who have responded to their Lord (in submission to Him), and have established Salah, and whose affair's are (settled) with mutual consultation between them, and who spend (in good deed's) out of what We have given to them, and those who, when they are subjected to aggression, defend themselve's.
August - 24
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 234)
Those who do righteous deed's Allah give's them more out of his grace: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 26 Allah Almighty says: And He responds to (the prayer of) those who believe and do righteous deed's, and give's them more out of His grace. As for the disbelievers, for them there is a severe punishment.
23 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Tell me that deed of yours which is most hopeful (for reward)
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 233)
Allah forgive's the sin's on repenting: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 24, 25 Allah Almighty say's: Surely, He is fully aware of what lies in the hearts. And He is the One who accepts repentance from His servants and forgives evil deeds and knows whatever you do.
22 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Whoever offers two Rak'at Salatud-Duha regularly
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 232)
Allah is very appreciative of the good deed's: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 23 Allah Almighty say's: And whoever perform's a good act, We will increase for him goodness therein. Surely Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Appreciative.
21 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Sadaqah Is Due From Every Joint
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 231)
The wrongdoer's will be fearful of their act's on the day of judgement: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 22 Allah Almighty says: (That time) You will see the wrongdoers fearful (of the punishment) of what they earned, and it is sure to befall them. As for those who believed and did righteous deeds, they will be in meadows of the Garden's. For them there is, with their Lord, whatever they wish. That is the great bounty.
20 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Reward of Hajj and 'Umrah
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 230)
Whoever intend's the harvest of the world will have no share in the hereafter: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 20 Allah Almighty says: Whoever intends (to have) the harvest of the Hereafter, We will increase in his harvest; and whoever intends (to have) the harvest of the world (only), We will give him thereof, while in the Hereafter he will have no share.
19 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Fajr Salat
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 229)
Allah is very merciful upon his servant's: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 9 Allah Almighty says: Allah is kind to His servants. He gives provision to whom He wills, and He is the Strong, the Mighty.
18 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Whoever goes to bed with an intention to offer Tahajjud Salat
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 228)
There will be no help for the oppressor's on the day of judgement: Surah Shoora Ayat No: 8 Allah Almighty says: Had Allah willed, He would have made all of them a single group; but He admits whomsoever He wills into His mercy. As for the wrongdoers, they have neither a patron nor a helper.
17 AUG (Hadith Of The Day) - Accustomed To Tahajjud
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August - 16
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 227)
Good behaviour with the enemy will turn them into good friend's: Surah Ha Meem Sajdah Ayat No: 35, 36 Allah Almighty says: Good and evil are not equal. Repel (evil) with what is best, and you will see that the one you had mutual enmity with him will turn as if he were a close friend. And no one is blessed with this (attitude) but those who observe patience, and no one is blessed with this (attitude) but a man of great luck.