The successful and unsuccessful people: Surah Shams Ayat No: 9 To 10 Allah Almighty says urging the mankind: Success is really attained by him who purifies his soul (by obeying Allah's commands), and failure is really suffered by him who pollutes it (by sinning).
30 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Sadaqah Is Due From Every Joint
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29 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - The reward of a perfect Hajj and 'Umrah
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 271)
State of the people of hell: Surah Ghashiyah Ayat No: 1 To 7 Allah Almighty Says: Has there come to you the description of the Overwhelming Event (Qiyamah)? Many faces that day will be humbled, laboring, exhausted. They will enter into the scorching fire. They will be made to drink water from a boiling (hot) spring. There will be no food for them except from a thorny plant that will neither nourish, nor satisfy hunger.
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 270)
The state of the people who will get the book (of deeds) in the right hand or the left: Surah Inshiqaque Ayat No: 6 To 12 Allah Almighty Says: O man, you have to work hard constantly to reach your Lord, and then you have to meet Him. So, as for him whose book (of deeds) will be given to him in his right hand, he will be called to account in an easy manner, and he will go back to his people joyfully. As for the one whose book (of deeds) will be given to him from his backside, he will pray for death, and will enter the blazing fire.
28 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Sins will be forgiven, even if they are more than the foam of the sea
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 269)
No one will help each other on the day of judgement: Surah Abas Ayat No: 33 To 42 Allah Almighty describes a very dangerous scene of the Day of Judgement : So, when the Deafening Noise will occur (on the Day of Judgement), the Day when one will flee from his brother, and from his mother and father, and from his wife and sons (no one will be kind for any one), every one of them will be too engaged in his own affairs to care for others. Many faces, on that day, will be bright, laughing, rejoicing, and many faces, on that day, will be stained with dust, covered by darkness. Those are the disbelievers, the nefarious.
27 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Anyone, being accustomed to Tahajjud
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 268)
The good and bad deed's will be shown on the day of judgement: Surah Nabaa Ayat No: 40 Allah Almighty says alarming His servants by the punishment: We have warned you of an approaching torment (that will be inflicted) on a day when everyone will see (present) what his hands have sent ahead, and the disbeliever will say, (Regretting) "O would that I had turned into dust." (To escape from the punishment).
26 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Intention to offer Tahajjud Salat
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 267)
Remember Allah in the day and night: Surah Dahr Ayat No: 25, 26 Allah Almighty says: And pronounce the name of Allah morning and evening. And in some parts of night prostrate yourself before Him, and pronounce His purity for long times at night.
25 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Tahajjud Salat
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 266)
The luxuries of Paradise: Surah Dahr Ayat No: 12 To 22 Allah Almighty says: And will give them, in return for their patience, Paradise and (garments of) silk, wherein they will be reclining on couches, feeling neither heat of the sun nor intense cold. And shades of gardens will be hanging low on them, and their fruits will be placed totally under their command. Circulated among them will be vessels of silver, and cups that will be (as transparent as) crystals, -crystals (as shining as if made) of silver, measured by those (who filled them) with due measure. And they will be served with goblet of a drink blended with ginger, (acquired from) a spring therein called Salsabil. And circling around them will be serving boys, blessed with eternal youth; when you would see them, you would take them as scattered pearls. When you will look around there, you will see the Bliss and a magnificent realm. Upon them will be garments of green sundus (a kind of fine silk), and of istabraq (a kind of thick silk), and they will be adorned by bracelets of silver. Their Lord will give them a pure beverage to drink: "This is a reward for you, and your effort (you have done in the world) has been appreciated."
24 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - May Allah have Mercy on the man
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 265)
The people of paradise will be served with pure alcohol blended with camphor: Surah Dahr Ayat No: 5 To 6 Allah Almighty says giving glad tiding: Indeed, the righteous will have a drink from a goblet, blended with (a drink from) Camphor that will be a spring from which Allah's servants will drink, making it flow (wherever they wish) profusely.
23 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Allah show Mercy to a man who prays four Rak'at before 'Asr Salat
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 264)
Indeed to your lord you have to return: Surah Qiyamah Ayat No: 26 To 30 Allah Almighty says: Never, (you will never remain in this world forever!) When the soul (of a patient) reaches the clavicles, and it is said, "Who is an enchanter (that can save him?)" and he realizes that it is (the time of) departure (from the world,) and one shank is intertwined with the other shank, then on that day, it is to your Lord that one has to be driven.
22 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Reciting of the Qur'an
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 263)
Stay away from the filth of the inside and outside: Surah Muddassir Ayat No: 4, 5 Allah Almighty says: And purify your clothes, and keep away from filth.
21 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Magnitude of reward is proportionate to the magnitude of the affliction
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 262)
Remember and worship Allah with regularity: Surah Muzzammil Ayat No: 8, 9 Allah Almighty says: And remember the name of your Lord, and devote yourself to Him with exclusive devotion. He is the Lord of the East and the West; there is no god but He; so take Him for (your) Guardian.
20 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Some people standing in the row would fall down due to extreme hunger
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 261)
Repent for your lord (Allah) is most forgiving and rewarding: Surah Nooh Ayat No: 10 To 12 Allah Almighty speaks narrating Nooh, the prophet: So, I said, 'Pray to your Lord for your forgiveness, - Indeed He is Very- Forgiving, - and He will cause the heavens to rain upon you in abundance, and will help you with riches and sons, and will cause gardens to grow for you, and cause rivers to flow for you.
19 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Virtues of going to the masjid
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 260)
No one can defer the defined time of death: Surah Nooh Ayat No: 4 Allah Almighty says: Indeed, when Allah's term (the defined time of death) comes, it is not deferred, (it cannot be stemmed) if you only know!
18 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - The most burdensome Salat for hypocrites is the Salat of Fajr and 'Isha
The Message of Qur’an (Part - 259)
The worldly life is a test and the afterlife is the place of reward: Surah Mulk Ayat No: 2 There is a lesson: The One who created death and life, so that He may test you as to which of you is better in his deed's. And He is the All-Mighty, the Most-Forgiving.
17 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - Allah Ta'ala condemns inadequate efforts
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The Message of Qur’an (Part - 258)
No calamity befalls without Allah's will: Surah Taghabun Ayat No: 11 Allah Almighty says: No calamity befalls (one), but with the leave of Allah. And whoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart. Allah is All-Knowing about everything.
16 SEP (Hadith Of The Day) - About The Plague
Some scholars have termed every epidemic disease as plague. (Takmilah Fathul Muihim) |
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