June - 05 (Quran)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says (Translation): Indeed, Allah is the One Who splits the seed and the pit (of fruits etc. for sprouting). He brings forth the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. Such is Allah. How then are you turning away? He is the Cleaver of the daybreak; and He has appointed the night for resting in tranquility, and the sun and the moon for calculating (time). That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise. And He is the One Who has set for you the stars that you may be guided by them, in your course in the darkness of the land and the sea. We have explained Our revelations for people who have knowledge. And He is the One Who has produced you from a single soul, and has given you a place of residing (on the earth) and then an abode (in your graves). We have explained Our revelations for people who have understanding. And He is the One Who sends down water from the sky, with which We bring forth vegetation of every kind and from them We bring forth green blades, from which We bring forth the thick- clustered grain; and from the date- palm, from the pollen of which spring lush bunches bending with their weight; and gardens of grapes, and olive, and pomegranate, alike (featured) and unlike. Look at their fruits when they bear fruit and ripen. Indeed, herein verily are signs for those who believe. (Al-An'am 6: 95-99)

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